You may have heard Japan has the lowest percentage of Christians in the world at about 0.5%. That is true, and this is why we are here! In the 13 years since we started Lifehouse in Tokyo we have planted 20 churches, 14 of these are in Japan, and combined we reach almost 4000 people on a weekly basis. But to reach Japan we know …
What’s The Mission of the Church?
Luke 19:9-10 (NIV) (9) Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. (10) For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” This was a great moment of salvation. Zacchaeus the tax collector turned away from his old way of living and looked to Jesus. I sense the joy …
Is Ministry The Most Important Role of a Pastor?
Jesus is our ultimate example and as pastors and leaders we should always look first to his example. This week I wanted to highlight the fact that not only did Jesus minister to the multitudes he also coached or discipled the few. So have a look at these two very important roles – ministry and coaching. Ministry We all know Jesus ministered to people. This …
Disciple With Joy
Discipleship sometimes has a bad name. Or a no name. It’s ignored or disliked. Why? Here are some reasons I’ve heard:- ‘Too much hard work.’ ‘It’s unfruitful in the short term’ ‘There have been some very bad models.’ ‘There’s no joy in it.’ But … Jesus was the best discipler. And he told us all ‘go and make disciples’ (Mat 28:19) And he discipled with …
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