I always looked forward to returning home from a ministry trip. My little boys would leap at me with joy the moment I opened the front door. They would yell excitedly “Daddy, daddy, daddy!”, accompanied with hugs and kisses. Then they would ask me, “Did you get a present for us?” I would rummage around in my suitcase, as my boys waited impatiently. The moment …
How To Walk into a New Gate
When I was a young Christian, I received this life changing revelation from Psalm 100. It talks about how we can confidently walk into new circumstance in our lives. Psalm 100:1-4 NIV [1] Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. [2] Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. [3] Know that the Lord is God. It is he who …
Empowering and Releasing Leaders
We all want and need more leaders at our Churches. But how do we teach and encourage more people to lead? As we look at the different areas in Church through the lens of “are we empowering leaders” and “are we making it easy for people to lead” we can see areas of improvement. There are 4 areas we tend towards when leading, let’s have …