6 Steps To Becoming A Great Teacher

6 Steps To Becoming A Great Teacher

We have many wonderful Connect Group leaders in our Church. If you want to be a better Connect Group leader, then you need to become a better teacher. Teaching is a great skill that will help you grow in leadership – whether at Church or in business. Here are 6 quick steps to becoming a great teacher:

1. Get Excited

You need to be excited about what you are teaching. Choose a topic that is on your heart, and you feel is going to bless people. It’s not just another study, it must be exciting to you.

“Choose a topic that is on your heart, and you feel is going to bless people.”


2. Think About Your Topic

Take time to think about what you will teach. Read through the verses from whatever source you are using and pray, applying it to yourself. If you teach just for others but not for yourself, it’s very shallow or not real. Apply the teaching to yourself first.

3. Focus on the Main Points

There is usually a lot to cover on any subject – you don’t need to teach it all at once! Pick and choose what points to major on, and maybe some you won’t do at all. Look at the points and focus on the ones that are important to the group and exciting to you.

4. Plan Your Time

If you have ten scriptures and ten things to say, you won’t get through it. Realize that you’ve only got so much time. People will not want to come back to your group if it never starts or finishes on time, so must start the Connect Group on time and finish on time. Get straight into the content of the study and spread your points over the time you have.

5. Ask Questions.

As you’re teaching stop to ask, “Do you understand?” or “What are your thoughts, is there another scripture?” This is allowing time for feedback and interaction. A good teacher moves into facilitating. What that means is, I’m now teaching you, but I’m going to stop, ask questions, interact, see if you’re traveling with me, feedback, and then move to the next point. If I teach for 20-25 minutes straight, and I do this every week, there will be no chance for people to speak, give testimony, agree, or ask questions.


“A good teacher moves into facilitating.”

6. Give Others A Chance To Teach

You should be giving other people a chance to understand how to teach. These are your next leaders. A good way to train the next leader is for you to model how to teach, then your next leader teaches the group, and you give him or her feedback. Beforehand, get with your next leader and tell him or her what you’re are going to do, and that you will give feedback. The best teachers are able to develop people who can become teachers too.

With these 6 steps you can become an amazing teacher, and I believe many people will be excited to join your Connect Group and grow with Jesus.

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